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Ysgol Casblaidd Wolfcastle C.P. School home page
Holt Farm Infant School Holt Farm Infant School

Dyro Dy Law I Mi Ac Fe Awn I Ben Y MynyddGive me your hand and we will go to the top of the mountain

Croeso / Welcome

Headteacher's Welcome / Croeso y Pennaeth



Annwyl Rieni,


       Diolch am ddangos diddordeb yn ein hysgol. Mae’r wefan hon, ochr yn ochr â’n prosbectws dwyieithog, wedi’i pharatoi i roi’r wybodaeth berthnasol i chi am Ysgol Casblaidd ac i ateb rhai o’r cwestiynau sydd gennych.


  Os yw eich plentyn am ymuno â ni, rydym yn eich croesawu fel rhieni a gofalwyr ac yn edrych ymlaen at gydweithio’n llwyddiannus dros y blynyddoedd nesaf


  Daw hyder o wybod a deall beth sy'n digwydd yn yr ysgol. Gobeithiwn y byddwch yn cysylltu â’r ysgol er mwyn debryn mwy o wybodaeth a thrafod gyda ni. Mae'n bwysig bod cyd-ddealltwriaeth ac ymddiriedaeth yn sail i. fywyd ysgol


Mae plentyndod yn amser arbennig iawn. Gallwch ddibynnu arnom i wneud ein gorau glas i'w wneud pob un plentyn mor hapus â phosib. Hyderwn fod ansawdd yr addysg a gynigir yn Ysgol Casblaidd heb ei hail. Dewch i ymweld â ni a chael blas ar ein hamgylchedd gofalgar. Mae croeso cynnes i chi ffonio neu ebostio’r ysgol i wneud apwyntiad.


Dymunwn groeso cynnes i chi i’n hysgol a’n gwefan.


Mrs S. Edwards





Dear Parents,


      Thank you for expressing an interest in our school. This website, alongside our bilingual prospectus, has been prepared to provide you with the relevant information about Ysgol Casblaidd and to answer some of the queries you may have.


 If your child is to join us, we welcome you as parents and look forward to a happy and successful association over the coming years

 Confidence in a school comes from knowing and understanding what is happening within it. We hope you will extend your knowledge through contact and discussion with myself and other members of staff and take advantage of the occasions for consultation. It is important that mutual understanding and trust should be the basis of shared responsibility.


Childhood, we all agree is a very special time and no one gets a second chance at it. You can depend upon us to do our very best to make it as happy and productive as possible for your child. We are confident that the quality of education offered at Ysgol Casblaidd second to none. Please come and visit us and sample a taste of our caring environment. You are warmly invited to call or telephone the school to make an appointment.


We wish you a warm welcome to our school and website.


Mrs S. Edwards
