Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol / Additional Learning Needs
Mae’r staff yn adolygu cynnydd plant yn rheolaidd, a phan fo’n briodol, ceisir cymorth gan asiantaethau allanol.
Mae’r ysgol yn cadw at argymhellion Diwygio ADY 2021.
Rhaid i bob plentyn fod â Phroffil Un Dudalen i'w gadw mewn ffeil unigol ym mhob dosbarth. Bydd y proffiliau yn rhoi gwybodaeth bwysig y dylai holl staff y dosbarth fod yn ymwybodol ohoni, gan gynnwys: -
• Hoff arddull dysgu,
• Sut mae angen/mae'n well gan y disgybl gael ei gefnogi.
• Anghenion gwahaniaethu
• Ymyrraeth yn yr ysgol
• Adnoddau
The staff review children’s progress on a regular basis, and when appropriate, assistance is sought from outside agencies.
The school abides by the recommendations of the ALN Reform 2021.
Every child must have a One Page Profile (OPP) to be kept in an individual file in each classroom. The OPP will give important information that all classroom staff should be made aware of including: -
- Preferred learning style,
- How the pupil needs/prefers to be supported.
- Differentiation needs
- School based intervention
- Resources